Goals and Objectives
The Theology Department of Marquette Catholic High School seeks to develop knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of Christian faith within our students. This will be done in the light of our Catholic tradition. Within our classrooms, we will teach a fundamental body of religious knowledge, an understanding of the role of the Church, an acceptance of Jesus Christ, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the vision of the Kingdom of God.
In order to reach these goals and objectives, the Theology Department staff will:
- provide classroom instruction that includes the history of the Catholic Church, its Scriptures, worship, and Sacraments, its Doctrine and moral teaching, and the Church’s mission to the world
- encourage students to develop skills in analysis, synthesis, and other critical thinking in their religious studies; enabling them to integrate religious knowledge into a holistic Christian world-view
- Model an acceptance of Jesus Christ and encourage an active response to His call to serve others as it was set forth in the Ursuline tradition of Marquette
- help students to become loving, critical members of the Church who search for Christ-like responses to the moral challenges and social justice issues they will face in today’s modern world
- challenge students to become hope-filled individuals who seek the Kingdom of God.
Requirement: Student must complete a four-year sequence of courses set within the Theology Department Curriculum.